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How Tempo Member Tori Vogt Trains in a Week

Learn how Tori's using Tempo to prep for her first triathlon
How Tempo Member Tori Vogt Trains in a Week
Our Tempo Diaries series takes a deep dive into a week in the life of one of our Tempo community members. We get a look at why they train, how they train, and what they get from their Tempo workouts.
Here’s a week in the life of Tori Vogt, based in Missouri, who turned to Tempo to replicate her strength and conditioning programs she was used to during her 13 years as a competitive volleyball player. Now, Tori is readying herself for a triathlon, which includes plenty of Tempo workouts.

I recently graduated college, and with that, ended my 13-year volleyball career. Throughout all of my years as an athlete, I always had strength and conditioning programs given to me. Not only did I have professionals that gave me well-rounded training, but I also had a support system of teammates that were right alongside me every step of the way.

When volleyball ended, I knew I would miss my teammates and their support, but my family’s Tempo made my transition so easy, and even exciting! The Tempo community gives me that support and encouragement I love so much, and I look forward to challenging myself in new and different ways. Plus, I love how the coaches still refer to me as an athlete!
I signed up for my first-ever triathlon in August, so I’ve been using my Tempo to get my athlete “fix” and train for my next adventure! Here’s what a week of my training looks like:
• 30m Core Burn: Anti-Rotation with Coach Melissa
• 30m bike ride
I’m in the middle of the 6 Week Off Season Athlete program, which I have loved so far! I really appreciate how it includes so many different kinds of movement and emphasizes injury prevention. This 30-minute class was tougher than I expected. Any type of bear crawls kill me! In the evening, I did a pretty light 30-minute bike with my dad. He is doing the triathlon with me in August, so we have done some training together! Of course, he uses the Tempo too.
• 40m Upper Body Build with Coach Bryan
All throughout college, my upper body was much weaker than my lower body. I have always dreaded upper body focused workouts, but Coach Bryan makes the time fly by! Whenever I can, I do my workouts first thing in the morning so I can jumpstart my day and have a full tank for my lifts. It also gives me more time to rest in case I want to do specific triathlon training or other activities in the evenings. On Tuesday nights I am in a beach volleyball league with some of my friends, so that was my cardio for the day!
• 35m Core Burn: Mobility and Flow with Coach Melissa
• 2.5 mile run
Coach Melissa does it again! I absolutely loved this class. It was such a great mix of strength, mobility, and had some yoga and pilates elements. It was great recovery work after a big upper body day, but I still walked out of the class feeling accomplished and stronger. In the afternoon, I ran the race distance portion of the triathlon. I have seen HUGE strides in my cardio endurance since using Tempo. It’s so exciting to see real-life changes in different aspects of my life!
• 45m Lower Body Build: Power vs. Endurance with Coach Bryan
This workout was, as Melissa would say, NO JOKE! Coach Bryan had me laying on the mat for a good five minutes after we finished the cooldown. My legs were toast. He did such a great job pushing me through the workout. It was the perfect amount of difficulty — I finished all of it, but I was definitely pushed outside my comfort zone. I favorited this class for later and I will come back to it if I ever feel like torturing myself again!
• 40m Full Body Shred: Game Day with Coach Melissa
• 30m bike ride
My glutes and hamstrings were pretty sore from Thursday’s workout, but I was glad I still got this class in Friday morning. I left for a weekend at the lake Friday afternoon, and this was the perfect full body lift to start my weekend off on the right foot. The extended warmup was just as hard (if not harder!) than the actual lifts. Plank ups, burpees, lateral lunges, and thrusters all in a warmup?! It was worth it for that amazing feeling when the cooldown music starts and you know you did it. I did a casual 30-minute bike ride afterward, partially as a cooldown and partially to work on changing my bike gears more smoothly going up and down hills.
• Hill sprints and 3-mile jog
• Lake swim
I was at the lake all day Saturday, but I still was able to squeeze some work in. I did around 5 quick hill sprints and then did a slow jog for 3 miles. The actual race track we’re running on is known to be very hilly, so I’m trying to be as prepared for that as I can be. Once we were out on the water, I swam a quarter-mile (the swim distance for the race) with my dad.
• 35m Core Burn: Anti-Flexion with Coach Melissa
After my day off, I was back at it with my Off Season Athlete program. Unlike most of my classes, I did this one at night, once I got home from the lake and settled back in. Historically, I have struggled with giving myself proper rest days. I still don’t usually have days with no activity, but nowadays I try my best to have days where I go harder and days where I’m focused on recovery. This 35-minute class was all the movement I did Sunday, but it was still something! When I woke up Monday, my body felt recharged and ready to take on another amazing week with my Tempo.



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